
5 Ways Retractable Security Gates Can Make You Feel Safe Again After a Break-In

If you’ve been left shattered and scared by a robbery at your home, you are not alone. The latest crime statistics show that robberies at residential premises are still on the rise. It takes time to get over the fear and feelings of powerlessness that a scare like this causes. One step in the right direction is to work on improving your physical security at home, starting with security gates that make you feel safe again.


How do security gates make you feel safe?

You can, of course, choose to install any type of security barrier, not only sliding security gates. The idea is to take positive action to stop criminals from getting into your home again and physical barriers on all openings in your home help to do this. Retractable security gates are an excellent option because they are strong, visible, affordable, practical, and don’t need electricity to do their job of protecting you. 

Here is more in-depth insight into the five reasons why you should consider installing security gates after a break-in:

  1. Security gates show your home is well protected 

    A home with visible protection boosts your sense of security. It also has another purpose: it sends a strong message to criminals that your home is well-protected and no longer an easy target. In general, robbers don’t want to have to work too hard to break into a home, and the stronger the barriers the harder they’ll have to battle to get inside.Noticeable barriers on doors and windows let criminals know that if they are determined to break into your home, they risk getting caught in the act by taking too long and attracting attention. Premium brand retractable gates are difficult and noisy to attack. This means that you won’t be caught by surprise by criminals, and you’ll have time to call for help, make an escape, or scare the intruders off.

  2. Strong retractable gates are a great defence 

    Security gates on all your doors and windows are a reassuring sight after you’ve experienced a break-in. You can’t put a price on being able to glance up at any window or door and see that your security gates are there to prevent criminals from getting to you.It is important to install the strongest gates you can afford because gates built for strength will resist for longer when assaulted than more flimsy models. The Trellidor range includes the strongest sliding security gate in the world, but there are several very affordable and reassuringly strong sliding gate designs in the range.Sliding gates supplied by different manufacturers can look confusingly similar, so ask suppliers to explain what makes their gate stronger than the rest. 

    Points to ask suppliers when choosing strong security gates:

    • Do the gates have single or double uprights? Double uprights (pairs of vertical bars) are stronger than a single vertical bar.
    • Are the gates fully framed, i.e. is the frame on all four sides? Fully framed is obviously stronger and more stable.
    • Is there a cover over the lock so that it hard for criminals to attack with a crowbar?
    • Do you lock the gate using one computer key that locks in multiple locking places inside the gate? Multiple locking points make the lock harder to attack, and using one key makes it quicker and easier to lock.

  3. Burglar gates keep you safe even during load shedding

    A huge benefit of security gates is that they don’t need electricity to work, so they keep you safe even when there is no power. All you have to do to feel safer is to keep your security gates closed and locked at all times. 
    Windows and doors can be opened for fresh air, but the gates protecting them must be locked to avoid your being caught by surprise by intruders. Remember to remove the keys after locking the security gates because you don’t want criminals using keys left conveniently in the gate for them to use. Store them together in your safe zone

    For more about safe havens Read how to create a safe zone at home

  4. Sliding gates are affordable

    Security gates can be installed quickly after you’ve experienced a break-in and there is usually a range to choose from with different strengths and prices. The gates are custom-made to fit almost any size door, passage, patio, and window, so you can protect any opening you choose. Once your sliding gates have been fitted, you simply turn the key in the lock, and you are protected immediately. Most manufacturers offer sliding gates with a slam lock, and this type of lock may let you feel more in control of your life again after a break-in. A dead lock, however, is stronger and is the recommended option.

  5. Security gates on doors and windows buy you time to escape if necessary 

    Part of beginning to feel safe again after a house robbery is knowing that if it happens again, you can escape from the danger of having criminals in your home. Security gates buy you time to escape, especially if you have invested in good quality sliding gates. They will hold out for longer under attack by criminals than poor quality retractable security barriers. Your physical security plan should include the installation of sliding security gates on some windows. If house robbers get into your home and you can’t u


Part of taking back your power after a traumatic break-in is taking action to prevent it happening again. If you’d like help with this, your local Trellidor franchise staff are more than happy to help you develop a physical security plan and they will do this at no cost. You can choose to implement the full plan or do it bit by bit over time. Find a Trellidor outlet near you

the ultimate crime barrier

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