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Responsibility & PARTNERS



Hibberdene Children's Home

The Mercury Hibberdene Children’s Home on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast recently underwent a much-needed refurbishment, with Trellidor securing all windows and external doors with burglar guards and security gates to the value of R112 000. The 86-year old home hosts paying guests such as schools and religious groups, whose tariffs are used to subsidise free holidays for underprivileged children from poor communities and children’s homes around South Africa.

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Trellidor works in conjunction with Outsurance to ensure that when an Outsurance client has a break-in, all the procedures are in place to assist as quickly as possible. The process begins with the client’s claim being logged at Outsurance, followed by the Trellidor team arriving on site to do temporary repairs and sending the quote to Outsurance. Once the quote has been approved, Trellidor does the installation as soon as possible to ensure a safe, happy customer.
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Ingane Yami Children's Village

Ingane Yami Children’s Village in the Shongweni Valley outside Durban provides a loving home to children left destitute by the AIDS pandemic. It is a work-in-progress, with more homes being built as funds become available. The not-for-profit project was initiated by Kloof Harvest Church. Trellidor sponsors security barriers for the homes and public buildings, which serve the surrounding community as well as the children and their care givers.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Trellidor actively considers sponsorship requests within the communities in which the company operates. Trellidor Head Office projects are independent of Trellidor franchise initiatives, although there are sometimes joint projects that we work on together.

In all cases it is vital that we maintain our independence and do not allow external partnerships to bring the name of Trellidor into disrepute. We also seek to ensure that the activities of organisations we work with are consistent with our organisational values.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Shared Goals Create Miracles


Durban High School (DHS) unveiled its new Astro Turf surface in February 2023 after a determined community effort to raise funds to achieve this goal. The Trellidor head office team was there from the start as a financial sponsor and is delighted to have been part of the drive to provide the DHS boys and Maris Stella girls with the same access to sporting opportunities as other schools.

DHS is one of the last traditional government schools to install its own hockey Astro Turf. The school now offers pupils the opportunity to play hockey on their own blue and goal Astro Turf. The field will also be used by Maris Stella School for Girls, which played an active role in the huge fundraising effort required.

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Trellidor Durban South secures Durban Child and Youth Centre


It seems that even a home sheltering destitute children isn’t immune to robbery.  Trellidor Durban South recently came to the aid of The Durban Child and Youth Centre, a Non-Governmental Organisation that cares for children in need, securing their premises after a series of break-ins.

The centre is more commonly known as the Durban Children’s Home and has been caring for children since 1905.  They lost items such as an entertainment centre and home theatre system, an urn, microwave oven, food school bags and chairs in two burglaries.  Fortunately the third attempted break-in was unsuccessful.

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Why we love helping to keep children safe


Trellidor Marketing Co-ordinator Shannon Botha recently visited Ingane Yami Children’s Village with photographer Patrick Royal to take pictures of Trellidor Cottage Guard burglar bars and Trellidor Retractable security gates we’d installed there. What they left with was a great selection of photos of happy children and a sense of joy in what they’d been part of.

Here is how the day unfolded, in Shannon’s words: Ingane Yami Children’s Village is home to children left destitute by the AIDS pandemic and is located near the peaceful Shongweni Dam outside Durban. Upon arrival, Patrick and I were welcomed by Pastor Scott Hamilton, Pastor Bhekinkosi Masikane, who is House Father to the children, and the smiling faces of the children of the village.

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Trelli-0072 Ingane Yami

Trellidor part-sponsors security for LIV children’s village


Trellidor has part-sponsored Trellidor Retractable security gates and Trellidor Burglar Guards to protect computers and other assets at the LIV children’s village near Verulam in Kwazulu-Natal.  The village is currently home to 52 orphaned and vulnerable children and the 14 moms that care for them.  The areas that needed securing include the Church, the computer room and the administration offices.

LIV (Lungisisa Indlela Village) is a non-profit organisation committed to uplifting the lives of orphans and vulnerable children.  It was started by ex-SA cricketer and Natal rugby player Tich Smith and his wife Joan.  The village provides holistic residential care for these children, centred around the Church and including quality education.

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LIV village sponsorship

Trellidor Lansdowne assists Vukani Educare Centre in Khayelitsha


Vukani Educare Centre in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, caters for children with disabilities.  Sadly, it has become an easy target for burglaries.  The centre has been supported by the Rotary Club of Newlands since Founder and Principal Lindelwa Madikane started setting it up in 2006.  John Petersen, owner of Trellidor Lansdowne, stepped up to help with physical security for the centre.

Graham Finlayson, President of the Rotary Club of Newlands wrote: “On behalf of Vukani Centre, an organization that provides services and facilities for severely physically and intellectually challenged children, and The Rotary Club of Newlands, we thank Trellidor for the significant CSI contribution to Vukani.

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New Trellidor Retractable gates at Vukani Centre

Trellidor secures ceres school


Trellidor head office has ensured the safety of the children attending Oppie Koppie Early Childhood Development Centre in Prince Alfred Hamlet, Ceres. “We provided the school with security gates for the four new classrooms built during a recent expansion,” said Trellidor Franchise Manager Bianca Steele

“We believe that everyone has the right to be safe and these children were vulnerable as their school is situated in a poverty stricken area with high unemployment.  The school underwent an expansion due to the influx of job seekers and their families.”

The expansion was sponsored by Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages (CCPB), The Vuya Foundation, Henkel South Africa, the Rotary Clubs of Newlands and Pinelands, Trellidor and The Ackerman Family. The number of classrooms was doubled and the ablution facilities now cater for 150 children.

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Trellidor supports Seed of Hope Community Development


“A big THANK YOU to the team from Trellidor who donated and installed burglar guards and security gates for our newly refurbished Bake for Profit training facility! We are truly grateful for this donation that will keep our building and equipment safe.”

This was the lovely message shared on Facebook by Seed of Hope Community Development after a Trellidor head office team had installed Trellidor Retractable Security gates and Trellidor Fixed burglar proofing at their premises in Amanzimtoti outside Durban in KwaZulu-Natal.

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Trellidorians make a difference by donating blood


Did you know that only 1% of South Africans are active blood donors? The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) says that it needs to collect 3 000 units of blood every day to ensure a safe and sufficient supply in the health care system. So we’re gratified that Trellidor staff members at head office donate as often as they can.

The SANBS van arrives at Trellidor head office every month and has a good turnout from factory and administration employees. Donors can donate safely every eight weeks, so there is a different group donating every month.

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Trellidorians make a difference by donating blood

Trellidor secures children's village


Trellidor head office, assisted by Jonathan Coetzee, owner of Trellidor Highway, have secured Ikethelo Children’s Village ( in the Valley of a Thousand Hills outside Durban. This is a place of safety for orphaned children where they are provided with loving homes and given a strong foundation for a successful life, said Trellidor Materials Manager Wayne Halgryn, who runs the Trellidor Corporate Social Responsibility program.

As reported in the Highway Mail (Friday 3 August 2018), Trellidor donated 10 Trellidor Retractable security gates, one for the front door of each of the children’s cottages.  The village’s manager Graeme Wright was quoted as saying that there had previously been a break-in at the village with a TV and telephone being stolen.

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Trellidor secures children's village

Caring for our kids


One month into the new financial year, the Trellidor Corporate Investment program is already up and running. Trellidor Production Manager Wayne Halgryn has been tasked with facilitating the program and he has not been short of help.

Many staff members have been involved, in particular, Field Technical Manager Ryno du Preez, who completed the installations.

The first project for the year was to secure two KwaMashu creches with Trellidor Retractable T800 security gates on the doors and Trellidor Burglar Guard burglar bars on the windows.

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Caring for our kids

Join Trellidor in supporting The Sunflower Fund


Trellidor head office has sponsored The Sunflower Fund for 12 years and participates in the annual Ball that they organise to raise funds for this very important cause.  The Sunflower Fund is a non-profit organisation registered in South Africa. They are dedicated to creating awareness through education and raising funds to cover tissue-type testing for the recruitment of blood stem cell donors.

The fund’s website notes that those that attend the event are in effect helping to pay for the recruitment of new blood stem cell donors.  Donors offer the hope of life to patients diagnosed with life-threatening blood diseases like leukaemia, and are in need of a blood stem cell transplant from an unrelated matching donor.

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