
Weatherproof Your Holiday Home: The Benefits of Trellidor Roller Shutters

Aluminium roller shutters are versatile door and window barriers that offer a range of benefits for your holiday home. They provide weatherproofing, protection against intrusion when you’re there on holiday, and security against theft when you return home after the holidays. Here is more detail on the main advantages of installing Trellidor roller shutter doors.



Aluminium roller shutter doors are made from a series of interconnected horizontal panels that form what is called a ‘curtain’. The panels move up to open and down to close. Most people choose solid panels as opposed to panels with holes punched into them.

There are other slat options available, such as a punched viewing panel that is fitted at a specified height. These see-through panels replace some of the solid panels. The punched panels let you see what is happening on the other side of the roller shutter. This can be an advantage during an attempted break in. 

Solid panels are excellent protection against weathering. A wall of solid roller shutter panels protects the interior of the home against severe weather.  It also shelters the people inside the holiday home.


Wind Resistance

High-quality roller shutters like those manufactured by Trellidor are designed to withstand strong winds. This is why many South African coastal holiday homes are fitted with these roller shutters. Of course, strong winds can come up anywhere in the country, so roller shutters can be of great benefit to holiday homes in any province.

Many holiday homes have a roofed entertainment area off the living area that becomes unusable in windy conditions. Roller shutters fitted to the outside edge of this entertainment area block out the wind and extend your use of this sheltered space.


Rain Damage 

Roller shutters provide an extra layer of protection on rainy days and during storms.  They can’t prevent flooding in extreme weather conditions. But they can help to limit the resulting damage. Shutters also keep the interior of your holiday home warm and dry while you wait for the storm to pass.

During poor weather conditions, the roller shutter curtain acts as a solid barrier. It helps to stop heavy rain and moisture from entering your holiday home. This reduces the risk of water damage to furniture, flooring, and anything else close to doors and windows.


Insulated Interiors

Aluminium roller shutters help to keep the interior temperature of holiday homes stable. Double wall roller shutters  do a better job of insulation that single wall roller shutters. But both types are effective in keeping out the worst of the cold in winter and the heat in summer.

Roller shutters also reduce external noise penetration. They provide a quieter, more comfortable environment inside the holiday home. This is very useful when the home is located in a noisy area like a popular beach or near traffic in a busy town.


Wear and Tear

Trellidor roller shutters can be fitted to doors and windows either internally or externally. Both types of installation protect holiday home interiors from the damage caused by UV rays and other weathering. This includes the protection of curtain and furniture fabric against fading.

Roller shutters fitted to the outside of doors and windows help to extend the lifespan of external surfaces. Closed shutters protect window frames and other surfaces from being damaged by prolonged exposure to weathering. This includes damage from UV rays, wind and rain when the holiday home is locked up after the holidays.



Weatherproofing through installing roller shutters is a spin-off of these door and window barriers. In South Africa, one of the main reasons for fitting roller shutters to holiday homes is for protection against intruders.


Deterrent to Intruders

Holiday homes are extremely vulnerable to crime once they’ve been locked up at the end of a vacation season. Many of these homes are left unoccupied for long periods of time. Criminals are only too aware of this. They also know that vacant holiday homes give them the luxury of time to break in without fear of discovery.

Trellidor roller shutter doors are designed primarily as security barriers. They are fitted next to entry doors, windows, and patios to help stop these break-in attempts. All roller shutter designs within the Trellidor range resist a variety of attack tools used by robbers. 

In high crime zones the best advice is to fit the strongest roller shutter that the homeowner can afford. If finances allow, the entire home can be locked down with roller shutters when holiday makers return home. This reduces the chances of the  home becoming a target for crime and gives the homeowners peace of mind when the home is unoccupied.

Find out more about Trellidor finance options that make it easy to pay for the security you need.


Safe Haven

Aluminium roller shutters are often fitted in passages and stairways as well as  to windows and doors. A roller shutter in the passage adds an obstacle for criminals that manage to break into a holiday home. It is a strong barrier to entry because they struggle to get beyond the point where the shutter is installed. 

A passage or stairway roller shutter  has another invaluable use – it  creates a safe zone for the occupants when they are holidaying in the house. At night, this shutter can be closed to protect everyone and ensure a good night’s sleep without worrying about home invaders.



Roller shutters are an easy way to create privacy in crowded holiday locations. When closed, the shutters block the view of passersby into your holiday home. Those looking in could simply be nosy hikers. But they could also be criminals having a good look to see if there is anything worth stealing in your holiday home.

Aluminium roller shutter doors around your holiday home patio give you added privacy when you’re enjoying this outdoor space. They extend your use of the patio because they keep you safe while relaxing, with no need to constantly check who is lurking in the vicinity.



Roller shutters are one of the simplest home additions for a holiday home, whether you need them for weatherproofing, crime prevention, or creating privacy. There are Trellidor outlets throughout the country with security experts readily available to take you through the purchase and installation process.

The shutters are considered an attractive feature by potential holiday home buyers looking for both security and energy efficiency. A well-protected and weatherproofed holiday home can enhance its overall value, so roller shutters are well worth the investment. 

Trellidor custom-manufactures roller shutters to fit each door, window, patio or passage. The shutters can be retrofitted to existing homes. Or they can be installed during building construction. They can be motorised, remotely operated, and incorporated into the central control system of a smart home hub. 

There are multiple roller shutter door designs within the Trellidor range, and the roller shutter door prices vary according to their design features. Contact your nearest Trellidor outlet to find out more details.

In conclusion, Trellidor roller shutters don’t just safeguard your holiday home from potential intruders. They also offer significant benefits in terms of weatherproofing, energy efficiency, and long-term maintenance. These shutters are a smart investment for ensuring your property stays safe and well-preserved, especially when you’re not around.

the ultimate crime barrier

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Our products are custom fitted for strength and safety, and come with up to 5 years warranty. Contact us today for a free security assessment and quote.