
‘’Vendor of the Year Award’’ Nomination for Retail Risk Event 2021

When a largely unknown supplier is suddenly nominated for Fraud Awards Vendor of The Year by a top ten retailer, you have to ask yourself… “Why?”

Trellidor takes an ordinary product category and delivers an extraordinary result…

At first glance, security barriers seem an unlikely product to have retailers in raptures.

But when you hear comments from top retailers such as “we wish all vendors worked with us like this,” well you have to take note!

Trellidor UK is part of the Trellidor Group. The company designs, manufactures and installs security barriers in 17 countries, which seems an unlikely starting point for a business that genuinely does seem to have impacted retailers in a different way.

The company website says “Our reputation is built on strong, reliable, innovative products and excellent personalised service… Our products have stood the test of time and proven to be successful! Decades of testing and development have ensured that our products have become security barriers of choice world-wide for high-risk application in the retail world, sensitive government installations and embassies.”

However, whilst the products are no doubt of a high quality, it is the service level that surrounds them that is causing quite a stir…

Mark Hamilton-Payne has recently been appointed Managing Director of Trellidor UK by the Group to grow market share within the UK and Europe. His goal is to bring the benefits of Trellidor products to a greater number of retailers than have previously had the opportunity. And based upon the initial furore he has caused, well you wouldn’t bet against him…

Where barriers are subject to attack, it is not unusual for Trellidor’s senior management to drive several hours to the scene of the attack, in the middle of the night, so they can see for themselves what has occurred and if the barriers have been breached. No outsourcing of the problem to a third party engineer. Senior management wants to see for itself what has happened.

At the scene, pictures are taken of the attack. And within 48 hours of the incident a report is on the retailers’ desk explaining the likely method of attack and if there was a breach. If a breach did occur the report explains the nature of that breach, what design revisions if any the company is considering in the light of a new threat, or if it is a one off incident that is unlikely to ever be repeated.

As a result of this attention to detail and rapid response retailers feel that they have a partnership based upon trust, where Trellidor are continually advising, learning and adapting their product to meet the latest threats in the fastest and most responsive way possible. This in contrast to a one size fits all solution and a take it or leave it proposition.

Mark comments “Listening and designing the solution is only the beginning. At Trellidor we develop a partnership with our customers. We respond to every incident of break-in, conduct an incident survey analysing the nature and modus operandi of the event, deal with the issue quickly and provide our customers with data and reports to assist them in understanding the risks in the market. Through data extracted from our surveys and in consultations with our customers we go back to the drawing board and develop stronger, better products.”

It will be fascinating to see how Trellidor fares at this year’s Fraud Awards, for which they have been nominated for the Vendor of The Year Award by a major retail customer.

For more information about Trellidor UK go to Home – Trellidor UK

For a full list of Awards categories visit the Fraud Awards website at https://www.retailrisk.com/the-fraud-awards-2/

the ultimate crime barrier

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