Fixed Security gates for windows were introduced to the Trellidor barrier security range over 30 years ago. These custom-made, professionally fitted burglar bars changed the direction of home safety. Here’s how.
Old style window burglar bars were a deterrent, not an effective barrier to entry. They were usually flat bars welded to metal window frames or screwed into wooden ones. Glass louvre windows were also seen in many homes in earlier decades. They were difficult to secure but easy for robbers to remove and create a small space to get into a home.
Robbers use windows as a ‘Plan B’ if they can’t use doors. They often walk into homes through open doors or unlocked security gates. If doors and security gates are locked, the next option is to climb into the house or apartment through an open window.
The 1970’s and 1980’s style metal bars for windows were no obstacle to robbers. They were easy to kick out. Some had gaps large enough for a small person to squeeze through. This person could then open up the home for the rest of the team to get inside.
Rising crime levels meant people became more aware of home safety. They wanted dependable burglar bars to stop robbers getting in through windows. It wasn’t enough to just secure doors with security gates. Windows were vulnerable to criminal access and needed to be protected too.
Trellidor engineers set to work and came up with a strong solution. They designed a fixed version of the popular trellis-style sliding security gate and another success story was created. These fixed trellis gates were called ‘Trelligrille’, later to be renamed Trellidor Fixed Security.
The new burglar bars looked like security gates and were just as strong. They were similar to Trellidor trellis-style sliding security gates. But with one main difference. They were fixed on all four sides. They did not open and close. This design has remained much the same over time. It does an excellent job of blocking criminal access through windows.
At the time it was a huge improvement in burglar bars. It had the strength under attack that Trellidor was known for. And it matched the security gates that protected the doors of many homes. Matching home security was easier to live with than a jumble of designs.
A sturdy, four-sided frame provides added strength under attack. Fully framed burglar bars hold up longer when hit with tools than semi-framed or unframed burglar bars. All four corners of the Trellidor fixed security gate frame are interconnected. This means that the burglar bar is not dependent on only the fixings for resistance when an intruder is trying to lever it out.
The double row of upright bars create strength and stability. Two rows of vertical bars are connected by a strengthening trellis. This adds to the strength of Trellidor Fixed burglar bars when attacked. They don’t break at the first blow or two of a hammer or spade like many other burglar bars. Robbers under time pressure are more likely to give up than get through.
Every part of the barrier adds to its resistance to intruder attack. This includes the security gate screws. Trellidor Fixed burglar bars are made using unique screws. These screws can only be fitted or removed with a custom-made drive socket. This helps to reduce the risk of break-ins.
Trellidor security gate screws are longer than usual. This gives extra pull-out resistance for Trellidor security gates for doors and window burglar bars. The unusual design of the fixings increases tamper resistance and minimises break-ins.
The main components of the fixed gate are u-shaped, not flat. This is a noticeable difference between Trellidor fixed burglar bars and similar products on the market. A unique process roll-forms components into u-channel profiles with reinforced edges rolled back 180°.
This means all surfaces can be coated for superb corrosion resistance. Most competitors use square tubing, which is difficult to coat inside. Poor coatings mean burglar bars may corrode from the inside out. This weakens them and makes them easier to attack. Trellidor fixed security bars are fully coated against corrosion. This makes them stronger for longer.
The design of Trellidor Fixed Security has stood the test of time. The basic principles of the original product remain the same today. This is a fixed security gate for windows designed to be strong when attacked by common weapons. It makes it difficult for robbers to get into a home. And it helps to keep people safe in what should be their sanctuary.
Over time, a range of models was developed. These have different purposes and suit various budgets. For homes, there are the reasonably priced steel Trojan TX and Trojan Classic. For coastal areas there is the aluminium Trojan Alu Classic. For high crime risk, mainly commercial applications, there are Trellidor Plus – T900, Trellidor Trojan II – T1000, and Trojan 3 EMESC T3000. These last three designs are all certified for strength under attack by a respected international testing facility.
New designs for a new era. Trellidor Fixed Security is still a popular window barrier today. But niche markets for alternatives have developed since the original burglar bar was designed. The Trellidor team has been an innovator in exciting new developments for these markets.
People see the value in sliding gates for windows. These are exactly the same as the gates fitted to doors. Their purpose is usually to provide an escape route during an emergency such as a fire or hostage situation. But for others, their greatest benefit is being able to open them for easy window cleaning.
The demand for more visually appealing window protection is growing. Trellidor was the first South African company to introduce see-through security screens to the local market. They look nothing like burglar bars and don’t block outside views in any way. They perform other functions such a blocking out insects and monkeys.
Trellidor louvre shutters are another beautiful, multi-purpose and cost effective barrier. This more recent addition to the range of window treatments is designed to be practical and protective. It has the strength under attack that Trellidor is known for but is also an attractive addition to any home. It does the job of blinds and burglar bars in one lovely louvre shutter.
The migration into large estates encouraged further developments in window protection. The Trellidor team improved on commonly available but inadequate polycarbonate bars. These are used to keep out intruders, monkeys and baboons. The Trellidor version has an aluminium frame and good quality, tamper-proof fixings. It fits into the window space neatly and is far more dependable under attack than individual polycarbonate bars.