
#TrellidorAnswers: Can Polycarbonate Burglar Bars Be Cut Into?

Polycarbonate burglar bars are tough and highly impact resistant. Like any other burglar proofing, to cut into them takes a lot of time and effort, the right tools, and knowledge of the correct technique. Intruders seldom have the luxury of all these factors, so well-constructed Polycarbonate burglar bars are a good choice for window protection in selected locations.

What does ‘well-constructed’ mean?

It means that the burglar-proofing unit installed to protect your window from an intruder has been purpose-designed to do what you expect it to do.

It is common to see Polycarbonate strips sold as individual panels that you fix to the window frame. These strips may stop monkeys and baboons from getting inside your home and making a mess, but they won’t stop intruders from trying to cut through the Polycarbonate bars and breaking into your home.

Well-constructed Polycarbonate burglar bars are safer than simple Polycarbonate strips. An example is Trellidor Poly Guard, which has a specially engineered frame and tamper-proof fixings to strengthen the burglar bars.

The frame is made from extruded aluminium and has four sides, creating a solid, sturdy base that encases and strengthens the Polycarbonate panels.

The lightweight, transparent, strong and UV resistant Polycarbonate panels are inserted into the frame at regular intervals. The result is a neat, safe form of burglar proofing for windows of all types.

Any type of barrier on a window acts as a deterrent to criminals because it adds ‘nuisance value’ to their intentions. Purpose-made barriers force them to spend time finding a way to get through this obstacle, wasting valuable time and increasing the risk that they will be discovered in the act.

What is Polycarbonate?

Polycarbonates are manufactured thermoplastics that are strong enough to be utilized in the engineering industry. They are used to make products ranging from car headlights to bullet-resistant windows, helicopter windscreens and safety goggles.

They are also made into clear burglar bars like Polycarbonate bars. This is an appealing type of burglar proofing for windows because the Polycarbonate strips are see-through and hardly noticeable once installed.

Are Polycarbonate bars safe?

The answer to this question depends on where you want to install the Polycarbonate burglar bars. Transparent burglar bars like Poly Guard are ideal for homes in low to medium crime risk areas such as gated communities and housing estates, where there are other layers of security such as perimeter walls or electric fencing.  

At the other end of the crime risk scale are isolated homes in high crime risk zones where intruders have the right tools and plenty of time to cut through burglar bars, whatever type these are. Polycarbonate panels are not recommended for this type of location.

Where to use Polycarbonate Burglar Bars

Framed Polycarbonate bars are ideal for many different types of installation including:

  • Multi-storey buildings, where the Polycarbonate bars stop children from accidently falling out of windows.
  • High rise patios, where they do a similar protection job of keeping children safe without blocking the view because they are virtually invisible burglar bars.
  • Emergency escape routes like stairwells, where there may be gaps in the wall that could be a falling hazard to people making a panicked get-away.
  • Hospital ward windows, where the see-through aspect of these burglar bars makes the ward light and bright but protects patients that are delirious or confused.
  • Eco-estates, private game lodges and hospitality facilities in game reserves, where they are a humane way of keeping monkeys, baboons, and other animals out of buildings.
  • Estates that do not allow any visible form of burglar proofing.
  • Homes with other layers of security, so you can install see-through Polycarbonate bars on windows for clear views of the outside.
  • Business premises, especially in areas where monkeys or baboons are a nuisance.

Why choose Trellidor Poly Guard?

  • It has a patented slim, four-sided 6063-T5 aluminium frame.
  • It is UV resistant and doesn’t yellow.
  • It is shatter-proof.
  • It is temperature resistant.
  • It is lightweight but has high impact resistance.
  • The patented framing system is fixed into the substrate around the window for a neat finish.
  • The Polycarbonate strips are available in two pitch options.
  • It can be designed to accommodate window handles and other hardware.
  • You can choose the colour of the aluminium frame.
  • It is suitable for coastal and inland locations.

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