How to secure windows in your safe zone with Trellidor
The first opening we secure in a safe zone is the doorway. This is where we block home invaders’ access to your bedroom area with a strong sliding Trellidor Retractable gate, Rollerstyle roller shutter or a Clear Guard security screen. Once this is done, you need to move on to the windows so that this access point is also closed off to criminals.
To secure safe zone windows, you need good burglar proofing. The idea is fit strong security barriers to each window in this area of your home, creating a safe cocoon at night.
The purpose of a safe zone
Trellidor franchises strongly recommend creating a safe zone at home and work. It can be a lifesaver in certain circumstances.
Trellidor sales consultants are available to visit your home and make recommendations on how to create a safe zone in your home. They will show you what needs to be secured and recommend products to do this.
They will also give you quotes on the various products you are considering, so that you can make comparisons before deciding which to choose.
Just as a reminder, a designated safe zone is often the bedroom area in a home. It becomes a safe zone when you install security gates to all the external doors, passages and/or staircases as well as any windows.
Safe zones can also be created in commercial buildings, like offices. Break-ins at offices are becoming increasingly common, so it makes sense to have a safe zone for people to lock themselves into if criminals get inside through another part of the building.
Once it has been properly secured, a safe zone has several functions:
- It keeps you safe at night so that you can relax and sleep more easily.
- It is an area you and your family can retreat to in the event of a security breach.
- In an office, it is a place where people can hide, fully protected, until help arrives after a break-in.
What to choose as window protection in your safe zone
Safe zone windows should be safe guarded using the strongest burglar bars you can afford.
It is no good cutting corners here. Poor quality burglar proofing is easy for robbers to kick out. Or they will bash through your burglar proofing using whatever garden tools you’ve left lying around outside.
So buy the best security barriers you can afford for this area of your home or office.
Your product choices in the Trellidor security barrier range include:
- Trellidor Cottage Guard. This is one of the strongest burglar proofing designs for windows on the market. It is manufactured from aluminium square tubing with a reinforced steel bar through the centre. It is fully framed for added strength.
- Trellidor Fixed Security. This is a trellis-style, fully framed barrier for windows. It looks just like Trellidor Retractable security gates, but it is non-sliding. Use this for seamless security, because it matches your security gates.
- Trellidor Rollerstyle. These aluminium roller shutters create a lock-down when fully closed. They have the added benefit of being remote controlled if fully automated. It is a very strong security barrier and is an excellent choice for your passage doorway too.
- Trellidor Retractable Security Trellidor sliding security gates are not just for doors. They can be installed on windows too. These user-friendly burglar bars slide to the side when you need to clean the windows or escape through the window.
Trellidor RSA and International franchises all recommend Trellidor Cottage Guard for windows wherever possible because of their strength. There are few products that can compete in terms of resistance to assault.
An alternative escape window can be a life-saver
Your safe zone should always have burglar proofing that can open on at least one window. This is so that you can get out of the house if there is a fire or if you need to get out to look for help in a home invasion.
A good place for burglar bars that open is your bathroom. It is often the safest exit out of the house because it is accessible to everyone. Family members can stand on the bath or perhaps the basin to get out.
This, of course, depends on whether the window is big enough to jump out through. Take this point into consideration when choosing a window for burglar proofing that opens.
If you have a double storey home, be careful which window is selected for your escape route. How high is the window and can you jump out of it safely? Rather choose an upstairs patio door if the windows are not a safe choice.
The escape window doesn’t have to be the only window with burglar proofing that opens. You can fit burglar bars that open to any (or all) your windows if you prefer. They certainly make window cleaning easier!
The Trellidor burglar proofing ranges that open include:
- Trellidor Retractable Security, the same trellis-style security gates that are fitted to doors. The gates are locked or unlocked using just one key and keyhole, making this quick and easy in an emergency.
- Trellidor Rollerstyle aluminium roller shutters. These can be opened using a hand-held remote control or a keypad positioned on the wall in your safe zone.
- Trellidor Clear Guard security screens for windows. These are manufactured to work the same way as your windows, e.g. a sash window will have a sash Trellidor Clear Guard protecting it. They look good and have the bonus of being see-through.
Contact your local Trellidor franchise for more ideas on how to create a safe zone in your home.