Welcome to a new year and a fresh outlook on life! Most people seem to be starting 2017 in a positive frame of mind, putting an awful 2016 firmly behind them. So we thought we’d share some basic security requirements with you, giving you a head start on staying safe and happy at home this year.
If you get these essentials done, you can stop worrying about being a victim of crime and use your time more constructively. Your local Trellidor franchise is there to help and if you need help, our expert consultants will do a security audit with you to check what you need in the way of barriers.
Break-ins still do happen, of course. But it is less likely if you put good quality physical obstacles in the way of anyone trying to get inside.
Your minimum home security systems:
A security gate on every single door that leads outside. This includes the one that leads from your garage into the house an often forgotten weak point in many homes.
Burglar bars on every single window in your home, even upstairs windows if you have a multi-level home.
A security door in your passage or stairway to block off your sleeping area at night.
The idea behind these security measures is to make it as difficult as possible for home invaders to get into your house after they’ve breached your external protection measures like alarm system or perimeter security.
In some home invasions, robbers take driveway gates off their tracks. They then break through the front door and make off with TVs and computers. All in the space of less than three minutes. This is the time it takes for armed response to get there. And in some cases, the robbers simply ignore the burglar alarm.
Block robbers out with security barriers
A physical barrier makes it harder for these crooks to get in. It also forces the robbers to waste time trying to break through.This increases their risk of being caught in the act. The better the quality of your door or window barriers, the longer it takes them to break through. So buy the best you can afford.
Contact your nearest Trellidor franchise for help in choosing the best barriers for your home.
Take a look at the Trellidor range of physical barrier products for your doors and windows. There are products to suit every budget and home style.