The holiday season usually sees an increase in housebreaking as most people will be out on vacation or visiting family and friends. This is why it is important that you do not leave your home unprotected. There are some simple precautions that you can take to make your home more secure before you leave.
The idea of a well-deserved holiday can be so exciting that you might forget that you have to leave your home unattended. You do not want to leave your home at risk and come back to an unpleasant surprise. There are some safety precautions that you can take to ensure that your home will be safe while you enjoy a relaxing holiday.
Here are some tips that you can take to make certain that your home is more secure.
- Prepare Your Alarm System
You should install an alarm system for your home as it will bring you peace of mind while away and will help you get a discount on your homeowners insurance. Ensure that your alarm system is working and have it tested a week before you leave for your holiday and make certain that it is properly activated before you leave.
You should also inform the security company that you will be going away and how long you will be gone for so that they can monitor your house constantly. You should inform them about the people that will be staying on the property such as a house-sitter or domestic worker.
If you don’t have an alarm system then trick burglars by hanging up fake security company signs or installing fake security cameras where they can be seen as it will deter burglars.
- Lock Doors and Windows
This might be the most basic and obvious tip, but it is also the most important. Most burglars will use the doors and windows to gain entry. Windows are known to be weak points so check that they are closed and locked; even the ones that are upstairs. You can add burglar bars as an extra security measure. This might be the most basic and obvious tip, but it is also the most important. Most burglars will use the doors and windows to gain entry. Windows are known to be weak points so check that they are closed and locked; even the ones that are upstairs. You can add burglar bars as an extra security measure.
Ensure that all door locks are functioning and that even the sliding doors are reinforced. You can add a dead bolt or strong locks for entryway doors. Also check that you remove your spare key. You might think that a burglar might not find it, but this can be dangerous as it could give them easy access into your home.
- Make It Look Like Someone is Home
To offer extra protection for your home, you should take measures to make it look like there is still someone at home. You can do this by firstly choosing to install motion sensor lights at entry points of the house which will light up when they detect any movement on the property. You can install timers on some lights so that they switch on automatically at night.
You can also ask a friend or set a timer on radios and televisions to turn on at different times during the day and night in order to create typical noise of a regular family night. You can leave a radio on low as long as it doesn’t disturb your neighbors.
You should ask a friend to come open your curtains every few days and close them in the evening each time they visit.
Another sign that there is no one at home is an overflowing mailbox, or an empty driveway. You can ask a friend or your neighbors to pick up and hold your mail and packages until you return. You can also leave a car parked in the driveway to give off the impression that there is someone home or you can ask your neighbors to park in your driveway which will also give them extra car space.
- Don’t Brag About Your Holiday Plans Online
Social media plays an important role in our daily lives and you might want to share your plans for the holiday online, but this is a terrible idea. It might seem harmless to share the details about your holiday plans or pictures while on holiday, but you never know who is watching. Criminals use social media pages to monitor their next victims and you would be informing them that you are not home.
To avoid having your house broken into you should not share any details regarding your holiday until you return. If you know that you cannot wait that long then you can remove geotags on your social media posts or change your privacy settings so that only your friends can see your posts.
- Hide or Lock Up Valuables
If someone were to break into your home, despite all the preventative measures that you took, you would not want them to take your most valuable items. Do not have any expensive items in plain sight, and try to do your best to conceal any valuable or expensive items that you own.
In a burglary, the items most likely to be taken are money and jewelry so you should install a quality safe so that you are able to safely store these valuable items.
You should be careful of the images you post online. Do not show pictures of the rooms in your house as this will detail your floor plan. You should also refrain from posting picture with expensive items.
Hide any documentation that contains information about your identity as criminals can steal your identity. You should hide your ID card, documents with financial information and any other personal information.
The tips offered above will be able to discourage many would-be burglars. This will bring you a lot more peace of mind during your holiday, allowing you to fully relax and have the best holiday experience.
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