It’s perfectly acceptable these days to check up on the level of security offered by a home you are viewing for possible purchase. After all, there are very few parts of the country untouched by crime, if any. Here’s how to audit the condition of security gates and burglar proofing before buying a house.
Security gates and window burglar proofing are often your last line of defence against a break-in. Home security barriers will help keep criminals out of your house if they’ve breached your perimeter fence or wall and your alarm has been deactivated or malfunctioned. So pull back those curtains and lift those blinds to check the state of barriers on windows and doors.
Things to look out for on home security gates and burglar proofing include:
- Are there signs of wear and tear or weathering?
- Are there old-style burglar guards screwed into rotting wooden frames?
- Any rusting screws in burglar guards?
- Are the security gates hard to slide open and closed?
- Any unsecured external doors?
- Any welded units that have loosened over the years?
- Are there any windows without any form of protection?
If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, chances are you will have to focus on improving home security if you purchase the property.
Electronic home security systems
Ask the seller to show you how the burglar alarm works, if there is one, and when it was last checked by the service provider. The same applies to automatic driveway gates, panic buttons and automated shutters. You also need to know:
- Are there sensors on all doors and windows or just selected ones?
- Are there movement sensor beams inside the home as well as outside?
- Is there battery back-up in case of power failures and when was this last checked? This applies to the alarm system, automatic gate and any remote control systems.
- Is the alarm system linked to an armed response service?
- Who are the service providers? You’ll need names and phone numbers.
What to do with your observations on each property’s home security measures
Keep notes on the home security measures of each property on your list of potential homes. You’ll need these to factor the upgrading your eventual home’s security into your costs. It will take time and money to repair any weak points, but will be worth it in terms of peace of mind at home. At least you’ll know more or less what you’re in for if you’ve done your home security audit in advance.
Contact your nearest Trellidor franchise if you’d like help with the costs of replacing security gates and burglar proofing for windows in your new home.