Trellidor Rollerstyle rollershutters are ideal to use as security gates in homes as well as commercial premises.This range is manufactured from aluminium, making it far less bulky and noisy to operate than steel versions. Here are five more reasons to choose these rollershutters.
Why use rollershutters as security gates?
They’re streamlined and neat, with slats that look sleek from both sides and narrow, unobtrusive guide channels. Once closed and locked down, the shutter presents a solid, reassuring barrier with clean lines that appeal to modern tastes.
- Because they roll up right out of the way when you don’t need them
Retail outlets and other commercial premises such as factories don’t need security gates cluttering up the entrance during working hours. Trellidor Rollerstyle shutters are ideal for these locations because they roll up completely out of sight, and there is no hazardous track on the floor to trip people up.
- Because the shutter box can be neatly recessed
If planned in advance of a new build or alteration, the roller shutter box for these security gates can be hidden away in a wall or ceiling cavity. The builder needs to work closely with their local Trellidor franchise on this, ensuring that the motor that drives the shutter inside the box is still accessible for maintenance purposes. The result is very pleasing, with an invisible shutter box that hides the shutter when rolled up.
- Because the roller shutter can become an automated security gate
Trellidor Rollerstyle shutters can be either manually operated or automated. Automation allows the user to open and close the roller shutter gate at the touch of a button, either on a wall-mounted control panel or using a hand-held remote control. If you choose automation, remember to ensure you have battery back-up and that you check the battery regularly.
- Because roller shutters are extremely strong security gates
The power of the roller shutter’s motor drives the security gate into a lock-down position and it is extremely difficult to budge once closed. Lifting the shutter even with a crowbar is an almost impossible task. Robbers would have to try to break the motor, but gaining access to it is a very tricky and noisy business that would draw unwanted attention. We’ve done attack tests on our rollershutter gates that prove their strength.
For more information on Trellidor Rollerstyle aluminium roller shutters please contact your local Trellidor franchise for an on-site consultation or visit their showroom where you can try out working samples of rollershutter gates.