
Emergency Escape Security Barriers Essential

Make sure you have security barriers that open for an emergency escape

Security barriers need to do more than just keep intruders out of your home: you also need some that can open and be used as an emergency escape incase of a threat. This point was emphasised for me this week when I read about a wheelchair-bound woman whose house was on fire due to an electrical fault.  Her son couldn’t get her out in time and tragically, she burnt to death.

We’ve blogged about using your security barriers as an emergency escape route before but it isn’t until you know of someone that was actually faced with no way out other than the windows, that you really pay attention.

It could become a life or death situation for any of us that have bought into the safe haven idea.  It makes sense to close off your passage or staircase with security barriers that can be locked up when you go to bed at night.  But do we think about an alternative route out of the house for emergencies?  I’m willing to bet that not many of us have given this much thought.

Replace fixed burglar proofing with security barriers that open

Most of us have burglar proofing on all our windows as this is part and parcel of staying safe in South Africa.  But how about replacing some of those security barriers with ones that open?  You could choose a window in your bedroom and/or bathroom and just get that one replaced. 

Make it one with easy access so that you could lift children or elderly parents through it without too much difficulty.  In other words, don’t pick one behind a bulky piece of furniture that would have to be moved first.

Then decide on a place to keep the keys.  It needs to be accessible but not obvious you don’t want home invaders finding the keys as you’ll then have to have them replaced.

Security barrier options

Trellidor have several security barrier designs that can open. Trellidor Retractable, the trellis-style sliding security gates, can easily be made for windows too.  Then there are Trellidor Clear Guard security screens that can be made to match your window style and operate in the same way.

Finally, we have Trellidor Rollerstyle shutters that can be operated by hand-held remote control.  This last option requires a little maintenance the backup batteries run down just like your automatic gate on, so you need to check the battery periodically if you consider it for an emergency escape.

View our products online to see see emergency escape options that will suit your home.

Contributor: Lindy Barry


Trellidor emergency escape locked                                                  Trellidor emergency escape open

the ultimate crime barrier

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