
A Safe Start to 2016

A safe start to 2016

Welcome back to all those that took a break over the festive season. The Trellidor Marketing Team wishes everyone a happy and prosperous 2016! And, of course, we wish you a safe year at home and work. To start the year off on the right foot we have some suggestions that won’t take long but may make all the difference to how your year turns out.

Do a quick security assessment

Every home has weak points that robbers will use to get inside. Complete our simpleon-line security questionnaire to find out where yours are and start planning to do something about it.

Check out the latest products available to secure your home or business

You don’t have to stick to one product range when securing those weak points you’ve found in your home or work premises, so do some research and see what’s out there.

For example, trellis-stylesecurity gates and conventionalburglar bars are fine for most of your doors and windows, but you may want something more attractive or multi-purpose for entertainment areas. These could include a Rollerstyleshutter in your passage and see-throughClear Guard security screens on doors and windows with a lovely view.

Do your research

Trellidor franchises have loads of experience in the security field and this allows us to share information you can trust with our customers. We’ve turned this information into easy to read Trellidorblog posts, Trellidorwebsite news articles, and productvideos, so browse through these before making more informed decisions on how best to secure your home and workplace.

Call in the experts for advice and a quote

Budgets are often very tight at the start of the year after an expensive annual break,so we suggest you callin one of our experts to develop a security plan that can be implemented as money becomes available. They will help you with product choices to suit your budget and will also advise on what to secure first to minimise your vulnerability to a break-in.

Trellidor has franchises throughout RSA as well as across Africa and other continents. Call them to make an appointment for a site visit, security assessment and no-obligations quote.

All the best for the year ahead!

The Trellidor Marketing Team

A Trellidor Retractable security gate being custom-made to keep someone safe in 2016

the ultimate crime barrier

Get a Free Security Assessment & Quote

Our products are custom fitted for strength and safety, and come with up to 5 years warranty. Contact us today for a free security assessment and quote.