With Mandela Day coming up on our icon’s birthday on July 18, it seems entirely appropriate to shine the spotlight on one of our franchise owners, who turned her own birthday into a gift for the fortunate. It’s a great idea, especially since we’re encouraged to spend 67 minutes helping others on Madiba’s birthday.
Cheryl shares her birthday celebrations with the SPCA
Newspaper cutting Cheryl Craig The previous owner of Trellidor Richards Bay, Cheryl Craig, always helps others when she can. She is a stalwart in the annual Santa Shoebox Campaign, amongst others. She is also been a committed supporter of the SPCA, assisting them with fund raising and donations at every opportunity.
Cheryl saw her 60th birthday celebrations as another opportunity to help others so she asked her party guests to bring along food for the Empangeni SPCA instead of gifts for the birthday girl. Her gesture was much appreciated by the SPCA and was featured in her local newspaper, the Zululand Observer.
Ways to turn our own celebrations into gifts for others on Mandela Day
We thought this was a brilliant idea and started making a list of other organisations that the rest of us could support in the same way. It’s just a matter of choosing something close to your heart and doing what you can to help, particularly if were participating in honouring Madiba for 67 minutes on Mandela Day.
Here are a few suggestions for Mandela Day:
- Have a tea or meal to support CANSA. You’ll be able to find out more on the Cuppa for CANSA website
- Support your own SPCA by donating food, bedding or your time. There doesn’t seem to be one single website for all the SPCA’s in South Africa, so Google your suburb to find out where your nearest one is.
- Soup kitchens often provide the only meal children have all day. Many churches and other out-reach organisations supply much needed food on this basis, so why not explore some options in your home town? Read some soup kitchen stories on the LeadSA website.
- Hospice does incredible work in caring for the terminally ill and supporting their families. They’d welcome a birthday donation, which can be made through their website.
Well done, Cheryl, for making us put some thought into turning our personal celebrations into a way of helping others and we hope we’ve given you a few ideas on what you can do on Mandela Day.