
Simple Safety Precautions To Take Before Easter


Easter safety precautions

The Easter holidays are a welcome break from work for many of us. But sadly, we can’t let our guard down in terms of security and safety precautions because it’s the perfect time for thieves to cash in. Many homes are left unoccupied during the holidays. If they don’t have adequate security, they’re a prime target for criminals.

Safety tips to remember before we rush to get away from it all:

  • Suspend any regular deliveries such as newspapers if you’re going to be away from home. Newspapers on the driveway signal that no-one is home.

  • Put on your landline answering machine. Unanswered phones indicate that you are away, not just out for a few hours.

  • Make sure that every door and window is secured with a reliable security barrier. Call in your local Trellidor franchise to help you do a security audit of your home security. Ask them to help you come up with a plan for improvements.

  • Close and lock all your security gates and any window barriers that with locks on them.

  • Clean up the outdoor area. Lock away all tools, ladders, wheelie bins and anything else robbers could make use of.

  • Use a safe deposit box for small valuables such as jewellery either at your bank or one of the private services.

  • Check that your alarm is working and connected to the armed response service.

  • Don’t forget to set the alarm when you leave the house.

  • Check that your driveway gates close properly behind you as you drive out.

Use these safety precautions even if you stay home during Easter

If you’re staying at home for the Easter weekend, don’t drop your guard. Remember to keep your security gates closed and locked, especially if you leave windows and doors open for fresh air. The last thing you want when relaxing at home is to be surprised by a break-in.

And if you don’t already have a safe zone, then consider creating one at home in your bedroom area. It’s as simple as installing a safety gate like Trellidor Rollerstyle shutters in your passage or stairway and making sure you have good security barriers on every window and external doors in this zone.

Your local Trellidor franchise is the best source of information on how to create a safe zone, so call them in before the holidays.

Happy holidays from the Trellidor Marketing Team!



the ultimate crime barrier

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