Clear Guard security screens were introduced to the South African market by Trellidor as an exciting alternative to steel burglar proofing. They are so different that it took people a long time to understand how this product could improve their homes and lifestyles. Today, it is growing in popularity as ‘see-through’ security that suits any building that houses people.
How security screens work
From offices in the city to homes in the countryside, Clear Guard is often the product of choice for fitting next to doors and windows. Trellidor manufacture each unit to work seamlessly with the way the door or windows works.
So, for example, a bi-fold glass door onto a veranda will have a bi-fold Clear Guard security screen next to it. The glass doors and Clear Guards can be opened or closed at the same time.
The way people usually use them, though, is to open their glass doors and windows but leave the Trellidor Clear Guard screens closed and locked. This protects the people inside the building from many different dangers.
These dangers include:
- Criminals trying to break into the building to steal.
- Insects like flies and mosquitoes.
- Reptiles like snakes.
- Monkeys and baboons trying to get inside to find food.
Security screens must not be confused with fly screens. Fly screens are very flimsy and are not strong enough to stay in place when attacked by criminals. They are also easily opened by monkeys and baboons.
Proper security screens like Trellidor Clear Guard are better able to withstand an attack by criminals using their usual selection of tools. They are also too difficult for monkeys and baboons to pull out of the aluminium frames.
See an attack test on Trellidor Clear Guard
The added benefits of Clear Guard
Clear Guard burglar proofing screens have other benefits for homes and commercial buildings. They don’t only provide safety and security. They also:
- Filter out UV rays.
- Block out a degree of cold or heat.
- Protect furniture and carpets from the damaging effects of UV light.
Here are 6 ideal locations for Clear Guard security screens:
1.Clear Guard security screens for homes
Clear Guard is most often installed in homes. It is a premium product, so mostly it is installed in entertainment areas like this patio. But it is also popular for kitchen windows, especially if they look onto a lovely garden or sea view.
Some homeowners have chosen Clear Guard as a passage door, creating a safe zone in the bedroom area. This is because you can see what is happening on the other side through the steel mesh screen. With the screen door closed and locked, homeowners feel well protected at night.

This home has a beautiful vertical garden in an atrium off the kitchen. The homeowner always wanted to be able to see the garden, not just when the glass bi-fold doors were open. But they needed protection from intruders as there is access to the garden from the outside.
Clear Guard bi-fold doors were the best choice. With the glass doors open and the Clear Guard doors closed and locked, the homeowner can hear the water feature, smell the flowers and see the soothing greenery through the mesh screens. At the same time, they avoid a surprise attack by criminals.
2. Clear Guard security screens for offices
Clear Guard can be used in offices in the same way as in homes. For instance, they can be used to protect entrance doors, patio doors and windows.
In this office they’ve been used on windows in front of a long desk used by customers. These are bi-fold Trellidor Clear Guard windows. They filter the harsh sunlight so that anyone using this desk doesn’t swelter in summer heat. The screens also block out the cold in winter.
The Clear Guard windows can be securely locked using the patented Trellidor locking system. Together with the strong woven steel mesh screen, it is formidable burglar proofing.
These Clear Guard units were powder coated in white to match the light, airy modern décor of this retail outlet. Customers and staff can clearly see outside, adding to the expansive, open feeling of the office space.
3. Clear Guard security screens for eco-estates
Residential eco-estates often have strict rules about the type of burglar proofing you’re allowed on doors and windows. There is usually a design style for these homes, and everyone must stick to it. So conventional burglar proofing is sometimes banned.
Clear Guard is the perfect solution because it does not look like burglar proofing. If fitted inside the home, it is unnoticeable from the outside, so can’t offend anyone enforcing the rules.
This windows in this home on an estate has been fitted with Trellidor Clear Guard in a sash window format to match the glass windows. The security screens protect the home from monkeys, which are the biggest problem in this area.
At the same time, the security screens stop opportunistic petty theft. Estates are well-protected from external threats, but there is often no stopping casual workers or visitors from nipping inside your home and taking whatever they can find. Clear Guard screens will keep them out.
4. Clear Guard security screens for game lodges
Game lodges have their own unique set of threats to people inside buildings, whether homes, lodges or hotels. These could be animals such as warthogs wandering inside, snakes and birds. Insects are also often a nuisance in the bush.
The answer for this particular game lodge, and many others in the same area, was Trellidor Clear Guard. The security screens have been fitted to all windows plus the patio.
A bonus for this game lodge owner is that visitors can see the wonderful birdlife through the Trellidor Clear Guard screens. During the heat of a summer’s day they can sit inside, protected from insects and the heat, while still feeling part of nature.
Malaria is a concern in many areas where game lodges are situated. Trellidor Clear Guard has become the product of choice to keep mosquitoes out of bedrooms and communal areas without impacting negatively on the joy of being in the bush.
5. Clear Guard security screens for hotels
Hotels have the same requirements as game lodges. They want their guests to feel safe without feeling hemmed in. But they face similar issues such as insects or monkeys getting inside the rooms. Petty theft is also a consideration if bedrooms open out onto gardens or patios.
In addition, some ground floor hotel bedrooms lead outside to a pool area. This is a danger to any children staying there as they might wander out when the glass doors are open and fall into the pool.
This hotel has Trellidor Clear Guard units installed next to sliding veranda doors. They match the sophisticated décor of the bedroom and blend in colour-wise. The lovely natural, untouched view of the local vegetation can clearly be seen through the screens.
The screen doors keep the guests safe and comfortable without the clutter of conventional burglar proofing.
6. Clear Guard security screens for hospitals
Clear Guard is popular for more than just keeping out criminals. Trellidor has fitted it to commercial kitchens such as one at King Edward VIII Hospital in Durban, South Africa to keep pigeons out.
The pigeons had become a health hazard. They bring in parasites and diseases that can be passed on to humans. Pigeons are a threat to food safety in any kitchen. They had to be kept out of this one, which provides 1000 meals a day for patients and staff.
Trellidor Clear Guard screens were a humane solution to the problem. They simply block the birds out of the kitchen. They also keep out other hazards such as the mosquitoes that plague Durban in summer.
Another important aspect is that the Trellidor Clear Guard screens can be opened to make window cleaning easy. They are lockable for safety purposes.
Read more about Trellidor Clear Guard