
Is Your Sliding Security Gate a Costly Mistake?

Sliding security gates often look similar but differ greatly in terms of strength under attack. By going for the cheapest quote are you making an expensive mistake?  Use these guidelines to decide.


Security gates that slide open and closed are still one of the most effective ways of protecting your home from a break-in in terms ofpersonal safety as well as cost.  Products like Trellidor Retractable Security can be designed to fit just about any door and can also be manufactured to fit windows.  There are plenty of other types of door and window security available, but sliding security gates can provide excellent protection at a manageable price.

Highly visible barriers on your doors and windows can help to make you feel safe at home.  They can also help to discourage robbers because you’ve added another layer of security for them to breach in an attempt to get into your home.

Sliding security gates fit for purpose

The crucial question is which sliding security gate to choose?  The temptation is to go for the cheapest quote without asking yourself why there is a difference in price.  Many people shopping around for security barriers to protect their homes and families don’t realise that there are definite strength differences between sliding security gates that may look very alike to the layman’s eye.

The Trellidor Retractable Security range offers four different models from a basic design that provides protection for medium security risk locations, to the Trellidor Plus T900 which has been designed for very high security risk areas. 

As you move up the scale, so the strengthening features within the security gate increase.   These differentiators are shown in an explanatory table on our website.

Your Trellidor franchise will also explain the differences when doing a site visit and will recommend the correct model for the risk profile of each opening in your home, whether its a door or window.

Strengthening features to look out for on all sliding security gates

No matter which Trellidor Retractable Security gate model you choose, there are strengthening features that are built in because Trellidor believes that you should never compromise when it comes to safety. 

These features include:

  • Every Trellidor sliding security gate is constructed with double uprights, not a single row of uprights for extra sash strength.  These are the vertical bars in the gate.  Some manufacturers make cheaper gate models from a single row of uprights, which simply cannot withstand the same level of force.
  • We connect three of these uprights together with links for added strength.  Many other manufacturers only connect two uprights with the links.
  • We use specially designed rivets to put the sliding security gate together, not off-the-shelf ones.  Ours have high tensile strength and are stronger than average.
  • A number of our gates components are made from Nylon 6/6 for strength as well as to avoid rusting, which weakens the gate.  Nylon 6/6 is used in the space and motor industries for its dependable strength and anti-corrosion properties.
  • Trellidor Retractable sliding security gates are all fully framed, as opposed to other products on the market which are semi-framed.  All four corners of the gate are interconnected for increase strength.
  • The majority of our sliding security gates are fitted with our patented dead-lock system that locks in three places in the lock-stile for added strength, conveniently using just one key and keyhole. 
  • We use a state of the art powder coating process to guard against rust, which weakens gates.

Check out the products before making your decision

The golden rule when deciding on security barriers, whether they’re sliding security gates or any other form of protection, is to see and try out the products for yourself.  Your decision should be based on more than just finding the cheapest supplier because we are, after all, talking about a possible life-saving decision here.

Visit the showrooms of all your potential suppliers.  Open and close their security gates; test the locks; ask them to show you the strengthening features on each model.  Once you’re satisfied you know what you are making your judgement call on, make your decision.

the ultimate crime barrier

Get a Free Security Assessment & Quote

Our products are custom fitted for strength and safety, and come with up to 5 years warranty. Contact us today for a free security assessment and quote.