Moving offices can be hard work and most people are not aware of the danger that can befall them during this process. There are so many factors that you need to consider such an ensuring that employees are productive and safe and that the moving process runs smoothly. It is essential that you take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe and secure office relocation.
During the office relocation process you need to ensure that it is safe for your employees and that none of your assets are damaged as this could be costly for your business. This requires you to discuss some safety precautions with your employees and movers before you even move and that everyone is following them. This will help you prevent any injuries and help employees feel safer as well as protect your assets.
The tips offered below will be able to guarantee you a safe and successful office relocation.
- Plan Before The Move
Before you start the moving process, you should already have a detailed plan for how everything will go. Planning beforehand will help you eliminate most challenges that you might face and help you avoid last minute hurdles. Planning also helps you achieve successful results, so it is advised to start with the planning process 5 months before the move.
All workers should be involved with the planning and you should be aware of all the things that they will need, especially all the details of the moving office plan. This will ensure that everything will be in place and that when it is time to move, office relocation will be much easier and manageable.
- Choose The Right Movers
When relocating offices, you need to use a trustworthy mover that specializes in commercial moving. A specialized commercial moving company will be able to reduce the time you spend moving which means that the transitioning period will also be shorter. This is due to the fact that they have the manpower to lift, carry, and load all your equipment to their vehicles and easily transport the equipment to your new offices.
Using a commercial moving company will also prevent injuries as employees might not know proper lifting techniques and they might also have pre-existing injuries which increases the risk of injuries or re-injuries occurring.
- Have Trip and Fall Hazards
The moving process can create a lot of disorganization or chaos as there will be a lot of boxes, furniture and even cables on the floor. The mess that is created can make it easy for someone to trip, fall and break something. It is important to watch your step so that you do not injure yourself and ensure maintaining a safe distance from wires.
There are areas where you should avoid packing with items and these are common walkways and hallways, doorways, fire escapes, staircases, elevator doors, and cupboards, cabinets, closets, or desks that you will need access to.
When you are packing boxes, you should avoid stacking boxes or any items too high. If your stacks are too high they might become unsteady and tip over which increases the risk of injuries or damage to equipment or office supplies if they are knocked over by the boxes of items that were stacked.
- Watch Out For Dust and Debris
When you are cleaning, packing, and moving it is likely that there will be dust, dirt and debris in your old and new office due to the shifting that takes place. You might also encounter dust mites or mold which can trigger some health hazards and some health conditions such as asthma or allergies.
In order to prevent some health conditions, ensure that cover your mouth with a handkerchief during the shifting process. You should also wear clothes that can be washed in a washing machine or wear overalls. Workers with severe breathing problems should be excused until this process is completed.
- Prioritize Data Security
Data is a valuable possession to the business and you need to take measures to ensure that it is protected. The first thing you need to do is ensure that all the data and information is stored on a reliable cloud service such as Dropbox and Google Drive. You will be able to retrieve and access this data even when you wipe your servers and devices.
You should activate password protection to increase the safety of your devices and servers. Choose a complicated password as it will protect you in the event that you are attacked. It is also an easy and quick process.
You should also consider protecting your physical documents as you might lose valuable information during the transitioning process. Store all documentation in a secure cabinet that you can also lock so that no one can access these files and folders.
- Moving Office Clean Up
When moving you will also need to clean your offices. Working with cleaning products comes with some safety concerns as some employees might have some allergies and sensitivities and you should protect them. Before using any cleaning products, read the instructions about how to use them. You should also use safety material when cleaning such as masks, aprons, safety goggles, and masks. Another option would be hiring a professional cleaning company or cleaners to handle this process.
Moving offices can be an exciting time, but it can be dangerous if you do not prioritize safety. Following the tips offered will be able to prevent any safety hazards and injuries from occurring. This will guarantee a successful office move while protecting the well-being of your employees.
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